Murray's Pages

The '50's

Well this is what I looked like when I came into the world at 8:26 PM on Sunday, September 1st, 1957. I weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz, and was 21 inches from head to toe. I had Blonde hair and Blue eyes. Ugly 'lil spud I was.

This is me at age 16 months. Starting to look a little better but a little butterball though. As you will see i didn't stay big for long.

The '70's

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This is of course me at age 20.

The '80's

First thing in 1980 was my Daughter Lindsay. As you can see

I will be adding more as I scan the pictures. Stay tuned!

The '90's

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The guy in white is me fundraising.

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Last Updated:April 08, 1999